Plateform differences

Here we will list some major differences between Inserdiag and Culturdiag plateforms.


These differences should be merged along Autodiag 2 development.



  • Implement and use DLA Accompanist;
  • For structure registration form:
    • Structure approval choice;
    • Wished guide choice;
    • How did you know about Inserdiag choice;
  • Implement Workbook reclaim form and some things along the reclaim system;
  • Superlogin Widget is not available anymore in production;
  • User edit form contains some more informations and a superlogin link;
  • Workbook detail contains some more informations and a superlogin link;
  • Workbooks can have attached files;
  • User list for admin contains a search form;



  • Implement and use Regionalized admin (see CNAR admins);
  • Implement frontend forms to create and edit Admin users;
  • Implement and use Forbidden Invoice Region (see Invoices);
  • For structure registration form:
    • Structure creation date input;
  • Got a matrix inspector interface for admins where you can browse each sheets to see cell coordinates, types and format;
  • Workbook parameters form contains a new choice option to fill workbook summarize with datas from structure, to use when moving a workbook to a new structure;
  • User list also browse admin to be able to edit them excepting the superuser;
  • User edit form contains many fields to set their permissions;
  • Workbooks matrix are not stored anymore into API, instead they are loaded from a location out of the API (settings.MATRIX_DEFAULT_ROOT_PYTHONPATH);


  • API bases has working unittests (those from Inserdiag are deprecated since a long time) this does not cover matrix manager and so;
  • Use latest xml2xsl version that use XSLX template only;
  • XSLX becomes the only format we support workbook matrix sources;

Notable models similarities and differences


In Inserdiag has an additional field region (only used for display purpose like in guide list order).
  • Inserdiag has additional ask_backlink, dla fields;
  • Culturdiag has additional structure_creation fields;
Only exist for Culturdiag.
Only exist for Inserdiag.

These models are identical on all plateforms:

  • SupervisorRegion;
  • UserProfile;


Inserdiag has additional dla and authorized_dla fields;
Only exists into Inserdiag.
Only exists into Culturdiag.

These models are identical on all plateforms:

  • WorkbookStatusHistory;
  • WorkbookAccompanistNote;
  • Sheet;
  • Cell;
  • CellTextExtension;
  • HelpText;
  • HelpBullet;
  • AbstractInvoiceFollowings;
  • InvoiceStage1Followings;
  • InvoiceStage2Followings;
  • Invoice;
  • InvoiceIntervention;
  • Reclaim;
  • Reporting;

Database differences details between plateforms

Renaming/Moving need to take care of eventual foreign key.

Tables only in Culturdiag

  • accounts_adminregion -> Add it into Inserdiag;
  • forum_post_files -> Transition table for additional m2m field from Culturdiag see Tables in all databases but has differences;
  • main_filegroup -> Nothing to do, it’s part of Inserdiag moving job;
  • main_filegroup_files -> Nothing to do, it’s part of Inserdiag moving job;
  • main_paramateritem -> Nothing to do, it’s part of Inserdiag moving job;
  • workbooks_forbiddeninvoiceregion -> Add it into Inserdiag;

Tables only in Inserdiag

  • accounts_dlacoverage -> Add it into Culturdiag;
  • auth_message -> Enable this django contrib into Culturdiag settings;
  • commons_filegroup -> Name moving depends on app name changing from commons to main;
  • commons_filegroup_files -> Name moving depends on app name changing from commons to main;
  • commons_mailtemplate -> To remove (manually with sql or using a south migration??), not used since a long time;
  • commons_paramateritem -> Name moving depends on app name changing from commons to main;
  • workbooks_workbookattachment -> Add it into Culturdiag;

Tables in all databases but has differences

  • accounts_accompanistprofile ✔
    • [I] region ✔
  • accounts_memberprofile ✔
    • [C] structure_creation ✔
    • [I] ask_backlink ✔
    • [I] dla_id ✔
  • forum_post ✔
    • [I] attachment_file ✔
    • [I] attachment_title ✔
  • workbooks_workbook ✔
    • [I] authorized_dla ✔
    • [I] dla_id ✔